Humanitarian services that the FRA made in Cambodia during the period of July 1995 – December 2023:
Mandarin-language education for ethnic Chinese-Cambodian children:
 Over the past , the FRA had subsidized tuition for 9,976 students in 18 Chinese-language schools across Cambodia, in addition to providing teacher salaries and recruiting 41 volunteers from Tai-wan to help train new, local teachers.
FRA managed to ship 67,700 volumes of books raised in Taiwan to Cambodia to help enrich the 18 schools’ libraries.
The organization had also built 15 classrooms, built or refurbished five libraries, as well as building faculty offices, activity centers, dormitories, basketball courts and toilets in those 18 Chinese-language schools.  Khmer-language education:
 FRA help to construct Tou Pasha high school, Takeo elementary school, Dong Aranh elementary school, Tanai elementary school, Yeangdangkum high school, Yeaysam elementary school, FRA secondary and vocational high school, Yeang Akpivat elementary school, Peamseyma elementary school , Kompongprohok elementary school and Damnaksan Elementary School. The eleven schools provided new classrooms, benefiting over 15,000 students so far.
FRA had printed 78,000 copies of Khmer-language text books for the use of over 20,000 students across Cambodia. And buy over 13,980 set of Khmer-language text books for poor students.
FRA raised huge amount of stationery in Taiwan and had the donations transported to Cambodia in a 100-ft container. The shipment, containing 67,100 individual packs of stationery and toys, had been distributed to children in 233 schools across Cambodia.
FRA had also purchased 621 bicycles for the use of school children from remote areas to help facilitate their trips to school. FRA had supported 34 monks to study in University now.  |